Management Of Thyroid

Consult an endocrinologist/physician qualified in treating thyroid disorder: If you have a thyroid condition, it is crucial that you speak with a qualified physician. Although thyroid disease cannot be cured, it can be completely controlled. Through comprehensive thyroid blood test profiling, the diagnosis is made in the best hospital for endocrinology. Treatment for hypothyroidism typically entails taking synthetic thyroid hormone tablets for the rest of one's life. Antithyroid medications are used to treat hyperthyroidism, and the course of treatment typically lasts for about one and half years.

Keep yourself hydrated by drinking enough of water. This will help you control your body's temperature, keep your skin moisturised, get rid of exhaustion and lethargy, and loosen your stools. Patients with hypothyroidism must consume 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to boost metabolism and hasten weight loss.

Regular exercise helps thyroid patients' metabolic function and insulin levels return to normal. Exercises for strength and weight training, as well as some light cardiovascular exercise, are all quite useful. Exercise complements prescription drugs and speeds up recovery from the majority of thyroid disorders.

Avoid drinking or smoking: People with thyroid conditions should immediately give up smoking and drinking. As a depressant, alcohol inhibits thyroid gland activity. In addition to blocking hormones, tobacco is also dangerous.

Avoid self-medication: Self-medication raises the possibility of misdiagnosis, and using the wrong amount of medication for an extended length of time can be fatal to the user's life. Therefore, one should always choose prescribed medications following a correct thyroid diagnostic and evaluation.

Dr. Vimal Upreti
Associate Director
Department of Diabetes & Endocrinology
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