Foods To Keep Your Heart Healthy

When it comes to general health, eating habits play a significant role. Sometimes our fast-paced lifestyle stops us from making healthier dietary choices since we don't have enough time or access to healthy items. For the sake of convenience, we wind up eating a lot of prepared, processed, and calorically dense food. However, over time, this type of food can dramatically raise the chance of developing severe cardiac illnesses by promoting obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

Keeping Your Heart Healthy

You can strive to maintain good heart health every day. Five factors can have a significant impact on your heart: what you eat, how much you walk, whether you smoke, regulating your cholesterol and blood pressure.
Guidelines for a heart-healthy diet

Warning Signs That You Might Be Having A Silent Heart Attack

A silent heart attack, as the name implies, occurs when the symptoms are less severe than those of a typical heart attack. Because of how subtle these symptoms are, they are sometimes mistaken for everyday discomfort or other less significant issues. Without prompt medical intervention, the likelihood of suffering a second, potentially more serious heart attack rapidly rises. Knowing the warning signals of a silent heart attack is the best defence against its threat. Here are a few signs of silent heart attacks so you can be on the lookout for them.

Are You Ignoring These Silent Signs Of A Cardiac Emergency

In India, Heart disease has remained the leading cause of death for more than two decades fuelled by unhealthy diets leading to diabetes, high blood pressure and the plaque buildup in the artery walls, inactivity, obesity, and smoking are all risk factors.

Interestingly, the body gives many signs and indications of a heart condition and ignoring them can lead to a cardiac emergency which can be fatal. Hence, it’s important to be aware of such signs and seek immediate medical attention.

Reducing Smile Lines

Medical professionals refer to the smile lines around your mouth as nasolabial folds. The region between your corners of your mouth and the bottom of your nose is referred to as "nasolabial." Most people have these folds from birth, and as they become older, they get deeper and more noticeable.

Care For A Newborn Baby

For new parents, the first few months with their child can be chaotic and overwhelming. Everyone will give you contradictory suggestions regarding how to care for a newborn kid. Selecting which newborn care advice to follow might be challenging. Although taking care of a newborn is demanding and taxing, it is also one of the most joyous and fulfilling moments of your life.

Advice for Caring for a Newborn Baby

Holding: Because the baby's neck muscles have not yet matured, you must always support the baby's head when picking her up.

Ways To Reduce Stress At Work

Most people who have ever worked have at some point felt the pressure of work-related stress. Any job can occasionally be difficult, even one you adore. You can experience pressure to meet a deadline or complete a difficult activity. Continuous work stress, though, can become debilitating and be bad for both your physical and emotional health.

Bipolar Disorder

A mental health condition known as manic depression (formerly known as bipolar disorder) causes abrupt mood changes, including emotional highs (mania or hypomania), and lows.
Depression can make you feel downhearted or hopeless and cause you to lose interest in or enjoy most activities. Manic or hypomanic episodes could occur, which could leave you feeling euphoric, energised, or excessively irritated. The clarity of one's thoughts, level of energy, activities, judgment, and behavior may all be impacted by these mood fluctuations.
