How Alcohol Affects Your Body

Drinking to excess is not only dangerous in the short term, but on a regular basis it may seriously damage your health.
Everyone knows that the heavy drinker damages his or her health and risks and risks having accidents on the road, at home, and at work. Heavy drinking is also a major cause of hooliganism, antisocial behavior, and violence in the home, as well as of the breakdown of personal relationships.

How To Remain Active While Living With Kidney Disease

The kidneys are two fist-sized organs that are situated on either side of the spine at the base of the rib cage. They perform a variety of duties.
Most importantly, they purge your blood of pollutants, excess water, and waste products. These wastes are kept in your bladder and then expelled by urine. The pH, salt, and potassium levels in your body are also regulated by your kidneys. They also produce hormones that regulate blood pressure and the production of red blood cells.
